Sleep Apnea Screening
ApneaLink™ is an excellent sleep-screening test that will help determine whether someone has sleep apnea. The test is done in the home during sleep where breathing is measured via an unobtrusive nosepiece, recorded, and analyzed. The test results can rule out sleep apnea or indicate that a sleep study is needed. If you suspect sleep apnea, call us. We can provide ApneaLink™ screening for a $30 fee with an order from your physician. ApneaLink™ is not required before a sleep study, but it is recommended as it may save considerable time and expense.

Sleep Study
A sleep study is a sophisticated and accurate test for a wide range of sleep disorders, including sleep apnea. Before an insurance company will pay for treatment of sleep apnea, they will invariably require a sleep study to be performed. A sleep study may be performed at a sleep lab or in the patient's home. If you wish to conduct a sleep study at home, see Home Sleep Study.